VID Technology

The Idea Behind VID Technology

Video Image Detection (VID) is a technology allowing the detection of objects through video image analysis. It is a new detection methodology brought about by the convergence of advancements in computer technology, video imaging devices, digital networks, and specialized software.

The idea behind VID technology is to imitate the human observation of objects or spaces by means of artificial intelligence, creating a device that performs the same function as the human eye and brain.

Application of VID Technology

In the fire security and protection industry, VID technology is largely implemented so as to the detect flame and smoke. It is particularly valuable in environments where traditional detectors are ineffective, such as: warehouses, convention centers, hangars, industrial facilities, and arenas.

Video Imaging Smoke Detection (VISD) and Video Image Flame Detection (VIFD) – VID systems for fire and smoke – can detect the presence of fire and/or smoke within video images:

• At greater distances
• Covering larger areas
• With faster detection times.

How does VID work?

VID systems identity flames and smoke via pixel changes within video images. Unlike traditional detection systems, they use only video images in the identification process, applying algorithms which act as decision engines, mimicking the process in the human brain.

VID measures the color, the intensity of the light, the movement, the shape of groups of pixels identified as potential flames or smoke, the frequency of flickers in flames and the changes in areas of video images over time so as to determine if a flame signal is real or not.

VID systems always consist of three separate functions: video imaging acquisition (from the cameras), processing (by specialized VID software), and user notification.

Future of VID Technology

This evolving technology has been in the market since 2000. It has the capability and potential to provide practical solutions for flame and smoke detection in large open or closed areas much more effectively than conventional or traditional systems.

There are different VID systems available on the market today – some involve flame detection, some involve smoke detection, and some are a combination of both.

More Information

Video Image Detectors are currently listed under the category(s) of:

Initiating Device - Flame Activated (Standard: FM 3260)

Initiating Device - Smoke Activated (Standard: FM 3232)

Find VID's in the FM Approval Guide

To find out more about VID

Video image Detection - No longer a Supplemental System-SUPDET 2010